National Association of Marriage Enhancement

NAME Missions: Uganda Trip

In April, NAME director Molly Godzich and her two daughters, Bethany and Christy, traveled to Uganda to do missions work. Molly represented NAME’s heart for the people of Uganda. Many of you know NAME’s long history of ministry in Uganda; Pastor Leo Godzich had passed away there during a ministry trip in 2011. We are happy to continue our ministry there.

Molly spoke at a women’s meeting at Saints Gate Church where she taught about “Women of Destiny.” She also spoke at a breakfast of pastors and pastors wives where she taught “6 Keys to a Successful Marriage.” These church leaders were incredibly blessed to receive ministry specific to their marriages. Also, Molly and her daughters took part in a feeding program to those who could not afford food in the area near Saints Gate Church.

During this trip, Molly spent time with Evah Mugerwa, the pastor of Saints Gate Church and leader of Destiny Boarding School and Orphanage. Many of you may remember that her husband John Michael had passed away with Pastor Leo in the same vehicle. Evah is carrying on the ministry. NAME awarded her with the Legacy award at IMC 17.

After the passing of Leo and John Michael, NAME had set up a separate branch of ministry, Leo’s Kids, a child sponsorship organization. During this Uganda trip, several of their days were spent at Destiny. Molly and her daughters played and interacted with the children; they spent time in the classrooms, singing songs and sharing words of encouragement. Each of the days they spent time playing and engaging with the babies and toddlers.


Molly and her daughters spent time organizing Leo’s Kids and met with currently sponsored kids (as seen in the picture). They colored together and gave the currently sponsored toys. They also spent time organizing a group of kids for future sponsorship, creating profiles for them. The updated information and child profiles should be placed on soon.

Lastly, Molly and her daughters spent time visiting and helping at the Gem Foundation. This special home housed disabled children. This is a great organization led by friends of the Godzich family. Please pray for their continued efforts.

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