National Association of Marriage Enhancement

Do You Know What Your Kids Are Watching?

22102Parenting in this day and age can be a tough gig sometimes. Years ago, when I was a kid, there were far less choices. Parents could more easily be “in the know” about what TV shows, movies, music and video games were coming out. Now the numbers keep increasing and the forms of entertainment are geared more and more to adult audiences. Children are often exposed to inappropriate humor or elements like anxiety and fear.

As a parent, it can often by a tough call when deciding the entertainment for your child. Every parent can sympathize with the difficulty of having exposed something to your child that your child wasn’t ready for. All have accidently shown a movie to their child that they really wish they wouldn’t have. This might still happen sometimes, but there is a resource to help you avoid some of these nasty moments.

Plugged In is a website that offers Christian evaluations, so that you can read a Christian perspective that incorporates the positive and negative messages that the movies have. If you have a child under 8 years old, you have probably already seen the Disney movie Frozen (released last week on DVD), but here is a great example of a review for how Plugged In provides analysis with a Christian worldview: Click here.  A second website called Screen It (click on their Frozen review here) is arguably more conservative than Plugged In. It also acts as a cheap subscription service to get more detailed information than Plugged In offers.

As you see, you do not have to feel overwhelmed by the prospects of not knowing what your child is consuming. There are resources out there that help support Godly parents who are concerned about the negative images and messages their children consume. You too can be “in the know!” All parents are responsible for raising Godly children, which can often be a daunting task and a high order. It is so great that there are companies out there that help us monitor content for our little ones.