National Association of Marriage Enhancement

What’s New

Greetings! I am so excited about NAME this year. In December, I gave my staff a vision for this ministry, for where I believe God wants to take us. This month, the amazing NAME headquarters staff has been working hard on multiple business plans so that we can maximize potential and see these God-given ideas come to fruition. January often feels like a slow month, but our team has been gearing up for an incredible year. I cannot wait to see what is ahead.

I am also excited to announce a new staff member. As many of you know, my eldest daughter has been working for NAME for years. This month, my son-in-law, Matthew, will also be joining the team. As a mother, I feel graced by this generational blessing of my married kids willingly serving this ministry; as a boss, I am confident in the great addition he will be to the team and the follow-through he will ensure as Director of Special Projects.

Lastly, but absolutely not least, I am excited to welcome a new NAME Center: Calvary Temple of Christ in Yuma, AZ. The counseling couples are the heart of this ministry. Please pray for all our NAME centers, the NAME centers currently in-training and for our NAME center expansion plan. We hope that as many churches as possible will be able to biblically counsel couples!

Thank you so much for your prayerful and loving support of NAME. God bless!


Molly Godzich