National Association of Marriage Enhancement

WHAT’S NEW – December 2013

November has been a month of many new progressions as we have been finishing this year and planning a strong next year. This month we have informed churches and pastors who are interested in a NAME center that we are willing to travel at our expense to meet with them and help share the vision of NAME with their church. We also have revamped our pledge partner system to now include more benefits for those who support us month to month.


This month Molly, our founder, spoke several times at the Edify the Family Conference in Ecuador. This was a very encouraging time for Molly of very powerful ministry.


This month we chose to partner with The Hurting Home in order to gain more data and research on secular versus Biblical counseling. Also, we are excitedly encouraging local churches to be involved in National Marriage Week in February. Stay connected, as we will present you with ideas for how to support National Marriage Week in your church!


We are excited to welcome our two new NAME centers: Source Church in Manteo, NC and Cornerstone Church in Austin, MN!


Please continue to pray for them and all of the NAME centers working hard to help marriages around the country (and some even around the earth).