National Association of Marriage Enhancement

From This Day Forward

When a couple first gets married, their thoughts are almost solely on the future. The whole wedding ceremony is often focused on the faithful covenant of the future. Marriage is future-oriented and God, by His very nature, is future minded. Everything in the Bible points toward the future, and everything in history leads up to His greater plan.


The Bible says, “where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he” (Proverbs 29:18, KJV).  The law provided structure for the Jews to thrive. Living under God’s structure allowed the Jews to have the blessing of securing a future. Often the first half of this verse is quoted to encourage individuals (or couples) to create a vision or plan for their future. However this verse also stresses the importance of doing so under God’s jurisdiction and structure for your life. If you are in fellowship with Him and following His commandments, your vision will more likely align with what His plans are for your life!


God wants your marriage to be future-oriented. Get vision! Plan with excitement! Look forward to all that God has for the both of you! And do all of this while praying, obeying, and growing in Him. Secure the spiritual blessings for your future by following in faith and taking the faith-based risks that God inclines you to take for your future. It will be much easier to hear the voice of God on the big decisions regarding your future when you are following Him in the little choices that make up your everyday life!