National Association of Marriage Enhancement



Recently, we heard from a pastor’s wife who shared her testimony of how this ministry transformed her marriage, specifically in the area of sexual intimacy.  She said that both her and her husband grew up as Christians and never received proper teaching concerning sex. The lack of knowledge caused their sex life to be mundane and sometimes undesirable.  Then they listened to “Sex is War” by Pastor Leo Godzich.  Their sexual relations were never the same.  The wife told us that now there is an excitement to their intimacy, as well as an increased frequency.


God gave us sex not solely for procreation, but so we could learn to bless and serve our spouse while intimately discovering one another more fully. The above testimony was such an encouragement to us at NAME, because many people do not have the courage to take the steps toward a more God-honoring sex life. We believe that God wants you to know how to take your marital intimacy to the next level and how to utilize the anatomy that God gave you for greater pleasure of each other. If both spouses want to bless, then their sex will surely be blessed!

You may feel like this pastor and his wife and seek answers. Do not turn to the world for advice. Try our “Sex is War” audio series available for MP3 download on  This month use discount code: sexiswar for 20% off. Pastor Leo’s teaching is very explicit and even goes over some anatomical issues that help couples re-discover each other in a whole new light. Unlike what the world teaches, this series will also highlight why sex is important spiritually! Increase your knowledge on how to bless with your marital sex, and listen to this 6-part series!