There is a good chance that you may be thinking what are love languages and why should I talk about them?
The Five Love Languages is a book written by Gary Chapman. He explores how different people give and receive love in different ways. He created five categories or “languages” in which people tend to communicate love. Here are the five categories: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service and physical touch. Chapman’s book offers very extensive explanations of all five and we recommend his book; however, he makes it very easy to learn your love language without a book.
Go online to www.5lovelanguages/assessments to find out what category you mainly fall under.
It is so important to find out how your spouse receives love to know if they are feeling your love. It is important to realize how you give love to show your spouse that you have been loving them just in a different way than they would prefer. When you talk to your spouse, after both taking the assessment, make sure you share with them how you feel you would more easily receive their love. When both of you are talking and communicating about how you can meet each other’s love needs, both of you will feel more fulfilled and loved by your spouse.