National Association of Marriage Enhancement

Old Dogs, New Tricks

There is a saying that says, “old dogs can’t learn new tricks.” This clashes with the idea of marriage because in marriage we are always growing and always having to change and mature.

There is good news! That statement is not true. Recently, our family was at a dog training class, and at that class the trainer said that you CAN teach an old dog new tricks. Any old dog could start the training process later in life. So let’s forget the phrase and know that we can continue growing and maturing and changing. However, there is truth that older habits are harder to break, but NOT IMPOSSIBLE.

God wants us to grow towards Him and towards our spouse. In order to do that, we must grow ourselves. Life is a continually changing experience. If you are not trying to change for the better, you are rejecting what you were created to do! It may be hard to change or to “learn new tricks,” but it is a calling that we all have to better ourselves spiritually and in our marriages.

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