National Association of Marriage Enhancement

13 Jul

Spice Up Your Marriage

In the middle of the beatitudes Christ says, “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth (Matt 5:5).”Well, if the meek are blessed, it must be pretty important! However, many do not truly understand what meekness is. If you are the majority, you probably think that it means being shy. According to the […]


29 Jun

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!


26 Jun

Stopping to Smell the Roses

We are a hustling and bustling society. We speed through traffic to go to work, and then run some errands after work, and then we are left with a pile of bills at night. For many, the daily talking time with their spouse may run down to a mere fifteen minutes before bed. Of course, […]


20 Jun

Old Dogs, New Tricks

There is a saying that says, “old dogs can’t learn new tricks.” This clashes with the idea of marriage because in marriage we are always growing and always having to change and mature. There is good news! That statement is not true. Recently, our family was at a dog training class, and at that class […]


14 Jun

Cultivating Creativity

We were made in the image of God the Creator. God made us to be creative. He built in all of us a desire to build, make, mold or design. This takes form in different people in different ways. Some people create buildings or computer programs, while some people create music or marketing schemes. Others […]


7 Jun

Spice Up Your Marriage

Since we all have problems with anger and offense, we can assume that the Bible would address it, and of course, it does. Proverbs 19:11 “Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.” Ah… now that sounds wonderful! If only it were that easy! The point is […]


7 Jun

Start Talkin’

It is amazing how many fights break out over un-communicated daily schedules and how deeply hurt one spouse can feel because the other spouse was not “thoughtful” enough to pick up the kids, make dinner, etc. In order to avoid a possible inevitable blow up over clashing schedules, it is much easier to sit down […]


1 Jun

The Blame Game

The blame game is a natural tendency of our fallen nature. How do we know that? First, we know from the Garden of Eden. Adam immediately pointed to Eve. Second, We see it in young children. They immediately want to point fingers and say, “well, he/she started it!” As a parent, the typical response in […]


21 May

“But My Spouse is So Different From Me…”

When a couple is trying to divorce, often they will say, “But, you don’t understand, my spouse is so different from me.” Well, we would hope so! Your different spouse was why you were attracted to them in the first place—because they are not you. You should never want your spouse to be just like […]


14 May

“You Don’t Complete Me”… Now That’s True Romance

“You complete me” is the famous line from the Jerry Maguire movie that is quoted by romantics all over. Actually, that line is incredibly UN-romantic. Completion should not be the goal of our marriage. One should have their identity in Christ, being whole and satisfied in Him. Multiplication should be the goal of our marriage. […]