National Association of Marriage Enhancement

2 May

You Can Do It!

Continuing in the right things always receives reward in the end. It may be hard when your spouse is not reciprocating, but God sees your efforts. Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (NIV) Many people […]


24 Apr

Are You Driving Him to the Roof?

How do women create a more welcoming environment inside the home? Proverbs 21:9 “Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a home with a quarrelsome wife.” Disclaimer: This verse is NOT saying, “Men, leave your quarrelsome wife.” This verse IS saying that men do not want to live with an argumentative […]


17 Apr

Humble Like Me

When the desire of recognition clothes itself with humility, it is lethal. We all receive compliments at one time or another, and often in the church world, it is seen as commonplace to redirect the credit to God. This is not wrong; it is good to acknowledge God for your gifting! Without God, we could […]


11 Apr

Ease Up and Laugh a Little!

Here is a scenario: The husband (we will call him Joe) takes a sip of sour milk at the table. He makes a face, and spits it back into his glass. His wife (we will call Mary) laughs at the face he made before Joe even gets a word out. At this point, Joe erupts […]


9 Feb

PUSH Through The Pain!

Because of the sin that Adam and Eve brought into the world, God decided there would be pangs during childbirth. Childbirth is a beautiful and magnificent thing, but labor is a grueling and difficult process! The following excerpt is from the series “Love When it Hurts” by Leo Godzich: “Pain is the canal that life […]


1 Dec

A Word From Molly Godzich

I would like to begin by saying thank you! My heart is filled with overwhelming gratitude and appreciation for the outpouring of love and support expressed toward my family, as well as the ministry of NAME. Untold numbers of people; including friends, pastors and churches, political leaders, and a vast number of couples and families […]


24 May

Communicating Daily Expectations Can Increase Intimacy

“Communication is the key to intimacy.” We’ve all heard it, and probably said it at one time or another.  True, heartfelt, deep intimate sharing of life’s thoughts and passions is an ideal that most marriages should strive to attain. Yet often it’s the simple things in life that go overlooked and create opportunities for misunderstandings […]


24 May

Are we winning the war on divorce? Is marriage more popular again?

ome have taken a recent Census Bureau report to mean just that, although the figures might be difficult to interpret for several reasons. Census figures show that 55 percent of adults had been married once by 2009. And although the figures show that people are marrying later in life, more marriages are lasting, with 77 […]


23 Nov

Should pastors delete their Facebook accounts in an effort to avoid extra-marital affairs?

Recently, New Jersey pastor Reverend Cedric Miller ignited a firestorm of comment by prohibiting his staff pastors to maintain Facebook accounts. Reverend Miller stated from the pulpit that the married pastors and leaders in his church must delete their Facebook accounts in order to continue working at the church. He witnessed many marriages disintegrate due […]


23 Nov

Keep up with NAME twitter, youtube and facebook!

Follow Pastor Leo’s Personal Twitter Account! You will better find out what is going on with NAME as well as great advice for you marriage. Check out The NAME YouTube Channel! You won’t regret it! We will be updating this with special videos about upcoming events—as well as special clips to help your marriage. Join the NAME Marriage Network! Our facebook […]