National Association of Marriage Enhancement

17 Mar

The Unlucky Marriage

Luck (n.) things that happen to a person because of chance; the accidental way things happen without being planned  I think its funny how often our culture attaches luck to love. I love the song “Lucky I’m in Love With My Best Friend.” It is so cute and fun. The truth is most happy marriages […]


21 Jan

4 Times to Hit the Pause Button in Marriage

Do you remember the movie Click with Adam Sandler? The premise was that Sandler’s character was given a remote control that could rewind, pause, fast forward, and control his life. Despite the corniness, there were some great messages about living in the moment with your spouse and family. While we don’t have a magic remote […]


4 Dec

Marriage-Strengthening Christmas Gift Ideas

Hey, not everyone is great at gift giving, and that’s okay we all have different talents. Gift giving is not a competition, but with the right attitude, this gift-giving season can be a joyous time to experience the blessing of blessing one another. Let’s be honest. Christmas is often child-focused, which of course is a […]


3 Dec

Ministry Update

Hopefully, you were able to read last month’s “Ministry Update,” which outlined the amazing success of our International Marriage Conference (IMC) and Devoted Youth Conference.  One pastor said, “I pastor a small church and we took 26 people to conference (8 couples, 6 singles & 4 youth) and God ministered to ALL their needs.” Here […]


3 Dec

Christmas Lessons I Learned As a Child

Children are very impressionable, and Christmas is an incredible opportunity to maximize your child’s spiritual growth in an informal, intimate and natural way. Children love the excitement and fun that accompanies the Christmas season, so it is extremely memorable for them. That is why it is the perfect opportunity to ensure that your child is […]


11 Nov

6 Building Blocks of a Great Family

“How to have a great family” – it is a Christian topic that we wrestle with all the time. Everyone knows that family is close to the heart of God, family is important and all Christians should treat their family like a ministry. Satan knows this too, which is why he tries to divide our […]


5 Nov

Marriage: Taking One Step at a Time

  I think the reason that most people are largely disappointed in their marriages is because of the long list of things that they want changed in their marriage. No earthly marriage ever will be perfect. Yet we often set up these unattainable lists with hundreds of expectations that we demand be met. If he […]


4 Nov

Ministry Update

Many couples have said IMC 19: Unbreakable Love was the best year yet! We are proud that this year’s conference was truly a highlight in the last twenty years of this ministry. (MP3 downloads of all sessions are now available for on our web store for an affordable price). This conference has postured us for […]


27 Oct

Why the World Still Needs Good Dads

There are many societal issues that continue to be redefined again and again. Laws change. Morals shift. Ideologies alter from generation to generation. Yet, there are some things that people everywhere can universally agree on. I believe one of those is the value of fatherhood. 24 million children in America live in biological father absent […]


24 Oct

Dear Husband, You Will Never Complete Me

I love you, but you don’t complete me. In fact, you will never complete me. You are not actually my other half. You can never be that for me. Whoa. That seems harsh, but in reality, it is actually the marking of a very healthy relationship. “You complete me” may be one of your favorite […]